The Garden of Archimedes
 A Museum for Mathematics

Pythagoras and his theorem


Pythagoras and his theorem

Scientist and shaman, legislator and oligarch, performer of miracles and philosopher (in fact, inventor of the term philosophy itself), magician and lecturer, liberator of cities and musician, father of Greek rationality and heir to the esoteric knowledge of the East. This founder of Mathematics is remembered mainly for a theorem discovered ten centuries before he was born and probably not demonstrated until after his death. Pythagoras.

A section of the Museum is dedicated to the discovery or rediscovery of more or less well known aspects of his theorem.
Here we report on the specifications of the exhibition and some fragments by various classical authors relating to his life and teaching.

|    Specifications of the exhibition    |    Pythagoras in antique literature    |

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Pythagoras in antique literature

Specifications of the exhibition