IWAHORI-HECKE Algebras and Representation Theory

in  Martina Franca (Taranto)  from June 28 to July 6

Scientific Committee

 Prof.  Velleda BALDONI (Universita' di Roma "Tor Vergata" )

 Prof.  Dan BARBASCH (Cornell University)


(6 lectures in English for each course)}

 a)    Double  HECKE  algebras and applications. 
Prof. Ivan Cherednik (Un. of North Carolina at Chapel Hill,

b) Representation theory of affine HECKE algebras. 
 Prof. Gert Heckman (Catholic Un., Nijmegen, Netherlands)}

c)  Representations of affine HECKE algebras. \rm
 Prof. George Lusztig (MIT, Cambridge, USA)

 d) Affine-like HECKE Algebras and p-adic representation
Prof. Roger Howe (Yale Un., New Haven, USA)


This C.I.M.E. course is made possible thanks to the generous support received from: The European Mathematical Society Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche Ministero dell' Universita' e della Ricerca Scientifica e Tecnologica UNESCO-ROSTE, Venice Office.


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