Dynamical Systems

Scientific Committee
Prof. J. MACKI (University of Alberta - Canada)
Prof. P. ZECCA (Università di Firenze)
in Cetraro (Cosenza)  from 19/06 to 26/06 

Confirmed Lecturers:

Prof. Shui-Nee Chow
National University of Singapore
Stability and Entropy in spatially discrete dynamical systems. (6 hours)
Prof. Roberto Conti
Università di Firenze
Planar Dynamical Systems. (3 hours)
Prof. Russell Johnson
Università di Firenze
Non autonomous dynamical systems. (6 hours)
Prof. John Mallet Paret
Brown Un., Providence R.I., USA
Waves in spatially discrete dynamical systems. (6 hours)
Prof. Roger Nussbaum
Rutgers University, N.J. USA
Recent trends in the theory of nonlinear delay equations. (6 hours)

This C.I.M.E. course is made possible thanks to the generous support received from: The European Commission, Division XII, TMR Programme "Summer Schools" Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche Ministero dell' Universita' e della Ricerca Scientifica e Tecnologica UNESCO-ROSTE, Venice Office.

