Diophantine Approximation

Scientific Committee:
Prof. F. AMOROSO (University of Caen) amoroso@math.unicaen.ft
Prof. U. ZANNIER (Università di Venezia) zannier@brezza.iuav.unive.it
in Cetraro (Cosenza)  from 28/06 to 06/07 

Confirmed Lecturers:

Prof. David Masser
Basel, Switzerland
Diophantine Approximation on Commutative Group Varieties. (6 hours)
Prof. Hans Peter Schlickewei
Marburg, Germany
The Absolute Subspace Theorem. (6 hours)
Prof. Wolfgang Schmidt
University of Colorado, USA
Zeros of linear recurrence sequences. (6 hours)
Prof. Michel Waldschmidt
Paris 6, France.
Linear Independence Measures for Logarithms of Algebraic Numbers. (6 hours)

This C.I.M.E. course is made possible thanks to the generous support received from: The European Commission, Division XII, TMR Programme "Summer Schools" Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche Ministero dell' Universita' e della Ricerca Scientifica e Tecnologica UNESCO-ROSTE, Venice Office.


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