TARGET: Numerical methods for selected PDE problems
- L.Brugnano, A.Sestini. Numerical solution of obstacle and parabolic obstacle problems based on Piecewise Linear Systems. AIP Conf.Proc. 1168 (2009) 746-749.
- L.Brugnano, A.Sestini. Iterative solution of piecewise linear systems for the numerical solution of obstacle problems. (submitted) arXiv:0912.3222.
- L.Brugnano. Risoluzione iterativa di “piecewise-linear systems” e loro applicazione al flusso in mezzi porosi. Convegno Annuale del GNCS, (plenary lecture), Montecatini Terme (PT), 3-5 Febbraio, 2009.
- L.Brugnano. Iterative Solution of Piecewise Linear Systems with Application to Free Surface Flows. Sixth UnTRIM Workshop, Trento, May 11-13, 2009.
- A.Sestini.
A new approach based on Piecewise Linear Systems for the numerical
solution of obstacle problems. ICNAAM 2009, Crete (Greece) September
18-22, 2009.