Sit autem sermo vester: “Est, est”, “Non, non”; quod autem his abundantius est, a Malo est.

         Preprints (arXiv)     

[163] L.Brugnano, G.Gurioli, F.Iavernaro. A shooting-Newton procedure for solving fractional terminal value problems. Applied Mathematics and Computations. 489 (2025) 129164
[162] S.Carli, L.Brugnano, D.Caligiore. Simulating combined monoaminergic depletions in PD animal model through a bio-constrained differential equations system. Front. Comput. Neurosci. 18 (2024)
[161] L.Brugnano, G.Gurioli, F.Iavernaro. Solving FDE-IVPs by using Fractional HBVMs: some experiments with the fhbvm code. Journal of Computational Methods in Science and Engineering. (accepted)  preprint
[160] L.Brugnano, G.Gurioli, F.Iavernaro. Numerical solution of FDE-IVPs by using Fractional HBVMs: the fhbvm code. Numer. Algorithms (2024).  (Open Access)
[159] L.Brugnano, F.Iavernaro. Line Integral Methods: an ICNAAM story, and beyond (Proceedings of ICNAAM 2022). AIP Conf. Proc. 3094 (2024) 020001 
[158] L.Brugnano, F.Iavernaro, E. Weinmueller. Weighted least squares collocation methods. Appl. Numer. Math. 203 (2024) 113-128.  (Open Access)
[157] L.Brugnano, K.Burrage, P.Burrage, F.Iavernaro. A Spectrally Accurate Step-by-Step Method for the Numerical Solution of Fractional Differential Equations. J Sci Comput 99 (2024) 48. (Open Access)
[156] L.Barletti, L.Brugnano, G.Gurioli, F.Iavernaro. Recent advances in the numerical solution of the Nonlinear Schroedinger Equation. Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 445 (2024) 115826. (Open Access)
[155] L.Brugnano, D.Giordano, F.Iavernaro, G.Rubino. An entropy-based approach for a robust least square spline approximation. Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 443 (2024) 115773. (Open Access)
[154] P.Amodio, L.Brugnano, G. Frasca-Caccia, F.Iavernaro. Arbitrarily high-order energy-conserving methods for Hamiltonian problems with holonomic contraints. Journal of Computational Mathematics 42 (2024) 1145-1171. preprint
[153] P.Amodio, L.Brugnano, F.Iavernaro. (Spectral) Chebyshev collocation methods for solving differential equations. Numer. Algorithms 93 (2023) 1613-1638.  
[152] L.Brugnano, G.Frasca-Caccia, F.Iavernaro, V.Vespri. A new framework for polynomial approximation to differential equations. Adv. Comput. Math. 48, 76 (2022)
[151] P.Amodio, L.Brugnano, F.Iavernaro. A note on a stable algorithm for computing the fractional integrals of orthogonal polynomials. Applied Mathematics Letters 134 (2022) 108338
[150] L.Brugnano, F.Iavernaro. A general framework for solving differential equations. Annali dell'Università di Ferrara 68 (2022) 243-258.
[149] P.Amodio, L.Brugnano, F.Iavernaro. Arbitrarily high-order methods for one-sided direct event location in discontinuous differential problems with nonlinear event function. Applied Numerical Mathematics 179 (2022) 39-49.     preprint
[148] P.Amodio, L.Brugnano, F.Iavernaro. Continuous-Stage Runge-Kutta approximation to Differential Problems. Axioms 11 (2022) 192.
[147] L.Brugnano, E.Weinmueller. Preface: 13th Symposium on "Recent Trends in the Numerical Solution of Differential Equations". AIP Conference Proceedings 2425, 090001 (2022)
[146] L.Brugnano, F.Iavernaro. Spectral solution of delay differential equations with application to a model for the Covid-19 spread in Italy. AIP Conference Proceedings 2425, 090002 (2022)
[145] L.Brugnano, F.Iavernaro, P.Zanzottera. Modeling the Covid-19 spread in Italy . AIP Conference Proceedings 2425, 090008 (2022)
[144] P.Amodio, L.Brugnano, F.Iavernaro. Arbitrarily high-order energy-conserving methods for Poisson problems. Numerical Algorithms (2022).
[143] P.Amodio, L.Brugnano, F.Scarselli. Implementation of the PaperRank and AuthorRank indices in the Scopus database. Journal of Informetrics 15 (2021) 101206. accepted version  
[142] P.Amodio, L.Brugnano, F.Iavernaro, C.Magherini. Spectral solution of ODE-IVPs using SHBVMs. AIP Conference Proceedings 2293, 100002 (2020)
[141] L.Brugnano, E.Weinmueller. 12-th Symposium on “Recent Trends in the Numerical Solution of Differential Equations”: Preface. AIP Conference Proceedings 2293, 100001 (2020)
[140] L.Brugnano, F.Iavernaro, P.Zanzottera. A multi-regional extension of the SIR model, with application to the COVID-19 spread in Italy. Math Meth Appl Sci. (2020) 1-14. arXiv preprint
[139] P.Amodio, L.Brugnano, F.Iavernaro, F.Mazzia. On the use of the Infinity Computer architecture to set up a dynamic precision floating-point arithmetic. Soft Computing (2020)
[138] L.Brugnano, F.Iavernaro, R.Zhang.  Arbitrarily high-order energy-preserving methods for simulating the gyrocenter dynamics of charged particles. Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 380 (2020) 112994  accepted 
[137] L. Barletti, L.Brugnano, Y.Tang, B.Zhu. Spectrally accurate space-time solution of Manakov systems. Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 377 (2020) 112918   accepted
[136] Y.Zhou, C.Zhang, L.Brugnano. An implicit difference scheme with the KPS preconditioner for two-dimensional time-space fractional convection-diffusion equations. Computer and Mathematics with Applications 80 (2020) 31-42 accepted.  
[135] P.Amodio, L.Brugnano, F.Iavernaro, F.Mazzia. A Dynamic Precision Floating-Point Arithmetic based on the Infinity Computer Framework. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 11974 (2020) 289-297.  preprint 
[134] P.Amodio, L.Brugnano, F.Iavernaro. A note on the continuous-stage Runge-Kutta-(Nyström) formulation of Hamiltonian Boundary Value Methods (HBVMs). Applied Mathematics and Computations 363 (2019) 124634.  preprint 
[133] P.Amodio, L.Brugnano, F.Iavernaro. Spectrally accurate solutions of nonlinear fractional initial value problems. AIP Conference Proceedings 2116, 140005 (2019) doi: 10.1063/1.5114132
[132] L.Brugnano, F.Iavernaro, J.I.Monijano, L.Randez. Space-time spectrally accurate HBVMs for Hamiltonian PDEs. AIP Conference Proceedings 2116, 140002 (2019) doi: 10.1063/1.5114129
[131] L.Brugnano, E.Weinmueller. 11-th Symposium on “Recent Trends in the Numerical Solution of Differential Equations”: Preface. AIP Conference Proceedings 2116, 140001 (2019) doi: 10.1063/1.5114128
[130] L.Brugnano, F.Iavernaro. Advanced Numerical Methods in Applied Sciences. Axioms (2019), ISBN 978-3-03897-667-7. 
[129] Y.Zhou, C.Zhang, L.Brugnano. Preconditioned quasi-compact boundary value methods for space-fractional diffusion equations. Numerical Algorithms 84 (2020) 633-649. accepted. full-text
[128] L.Brugnano, J.I.Montijano, L.Randez. High-order energy-conserving Line Integral Methods for charged particle dynamics. Journal of Computational Physics 396 (2019) 209-227. accepted
[127] P.Amodio, L.Brugnano, F.Iavernaro. Analysis of Spectral Hamiltonian Boundary Value Methods (SHBVMs) for the numerical solution of ODE problems. Numerical Algorithms 83 (2020) 1489-1508.   accepted-version    
[126] L.Brugnano, G.Frasca Caccia, F.Iavernaro. Line Integral Solution of Hamiltonian PDEs. Mathematics 7(3) (2019) 275
[125] L.Brugnano, F.Iavernaro. Advanced Numerical Methods in Applied Sciences (editorial). Axioms 8(1) (2019) 16
[124] L.Brugnano, G.Gurioli, C.Zhang. Spectrally accurate energy-preserving methods for the numerical solution of the "Good" Boussinesq equation. Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations 35 (2019) 1343-1362. doi: 10.1002/num.22353
[123] L.Brugnano, G.Gurioli, Y.Sun. Energy-conserving Hamiltonian Boundary Value Methods for the numerical solution of the Korteweg-de Vries equation. Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 351 (2019) 117-135.
[122] L.Brugnano, F.Iavernaro, J.I.Montijano, L.Randez. Spectrally accurate space-time solution of Hamiltonian PDEs. Numerical Algorithms  81 (2019) 1183-1202. doi: 10.1007/s11075-018-0586-z    preprint
[121] L.Brugnano, E.Weinmueller. 10th Symposium on “Recent Trends in the Numerical Solution of Differential Equations”: Preface. AIP Conference Proceedings 1978, 120001 (2018) doi: 10.1063/1.5043766
[120] L.Brugnano, G.Gurioli, F.Iavernaro. Predictor-corrector implementation of EQUIP methods. AIP Conference Proceedings 1978, 120004 (2018) doi: 10.1063/1.5043769
[119] L.Brugnano, F.Iavernaro. Line Integral Solution of Differential Problems. Axioms 7(2) (2018) 36 (paper)
[118] L.Brugnano, J.I.Montijano, L.Rández. On the effectiveness of spectral methods for the numerical solution of multi-frequency highly-oscillatory Hamiltonian problems. Numerical Algorithms 81 (2019) 345-376.
[117] L.Brugnano, C.Zhang, D.Li. A class of energy-conserving Hamiltonian boundary value methods for nonlinear Schroedinger equation with wave operator. Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation  60 (2018) 33-49. doi: 10.1016/j.cnsns.2017.12.018
[116] L.Brugnano, G.Gurioli, F.Iavernaro, E.Weinmueller. Line Integral Solution of Hamiltonian Systems with Holonomic Constraints. Applied Numerical Mathematics 127 (2018) 56-77 (Preprint)
[115] L.Brugnano, G.Gurioli, F.Iavernaro. Analysis of Energy and QUadratic Invariant Preserving (EQUIP) methods. Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 335 (2018) 51-73, Preprint
[114] L.Barletti, L.Brugnano, G.Frasca Caccia, F.Iavernaro. Solving the nonlinear Schrödinger equation using energy conserving Hamiltonian boundary value methods. AIP Conference Proc.1863, 160002 (2017)  doi: 10.1063/1.4992336
[113] L.Brugnano, M.Calvo, J.I.Montijano. Fourier methods for oscillatory differential problems with a constant high frequency. AIP Conference Proc.1863, 020003 (2017) doi: 10.1063/1.4992149
[112] L.Barletti, L.Brugnano, G.Frasca Caccia, F.Iavernaro. Energy-conserving methods for the nonlinear Schroedinger equation. Applied Mathematics and Computation, 318 (2018) 3-18. preprint  paper
[111] L.Barletti, L.Brugnano, G.Frasca Caccia, F.Iavernaro.  Recent advances in the numerical solution of Hamiltonian partial differential equations. AIP Conference Proc. 1776, 020002 (2016) doi:10.1063/1.4965308
[110] L.Brugnano, G.Frasca Caccia, F.Iavernaro.  Energy and QUadratic Invariants Preserving (EQUIP) methods for Hamiltonian Systems. AIP Conference Proc. 1738, 100002 (2016) doi:10.1063/1.4951863
[109] L.Brugnano, F.Iavernaro.  On the use of the line integral in the numerical treatment of conservative problems. AIP Conference Proc. 1738, 020008 (2016) doi:10.1063/1.4951752
[108] L.Brugnano, G.Frasca Caccia, F.Iavernaro.  Energy conservation issues in the numerical solution of the semilinear wave equation. Applied Mathematics and Computation 270 (2015) 842-870 doi:10.1016/j.amc.2015.08.078   paper
[107] L.Brugnano, F.Iavernaro. Line Integral Methods for Conservative Problems.  Chapman et Hall/CRC, Boca Raton, FL, 2016.
[106] L.Brugnano, F.Iavernaro, D.Trigiante. Reprint of Analisys of Hamiltonian Boundary Value Methods (HBVMs): a class of energy-preserving Runge-Kutta methods for the numerical solution of polynomial Hamiltonian systems. Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation 21 (2015) 34-51. (see [100])
[105] P.Amodio, L.Brugnano, F.Iavernaro. Energy-conserving methods for Hamiltonian Boundary Value Problems and applications in astrodynamics. Advances in Computational Mathematics, 41 (2015) 881-905.  doi:10.1007/s10444-014-9390-z   preprint
          [104] L.Brugnano, G.Frasca Caccia, F.Iavernaro. Energy conservation issues in the numerical solution of Hamiltonian PDEs. AIP Conference Proc. 1648, 020002 (2015)  paper
[103] L.Brugnano, G.Frasca Caccia, F.Iavernaro. Recent advances in the numerical solution of Hamiltonian PDEs. AIP Conference Proc. 1648, 150008 (2015)  paper
[102] L.Brugnano, F.Iavernaro. Modified line integral methods for conservative problems with multiple invariants. AIP Conference Proc. 1648, 150010 (2015).  paper
[101] L.Brugnano, F.Iavernaro, C.Magherini. Efficient implementation of Radau collocation methods. Applied Numerical Mathematics 87 (2015) 100-113.  doi:10.1016/j.apnum.2014.09.003  preprint
[100] L.Brugnano, F.Iavernaro, D.Trigiante. Analisys of Hamiltonian Boundary Value Methods (HBVMs): a class of energy-preserving Runge-Kutta methods for the numerical solution of polynomial Hamiltonian systems. Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation 20 (2015) 650-667.  preprint
[99] L.Brugnano, G.Frasca Caccia, F.Iavernaro. Hamiltonian Boundary Value Methods (HBVMs) and their efficient implementation. Mathematics in Engineering, Science and Aerospace 5, 4 (2014) 343-411. preprint
[98]  P.Amodio, L.Brugnano. Recent advances in bibliometric indexes and the PaperRank problem. Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 267 (2014) 182-194. doi: preprint
[97] L.Brugnano, G.Frasca Caccia, F.Iavernaro. Efficient  implementation of Gauss collocation and Hamiltonian Boundary Value Methods. Numerical Algorithms 65 (2014) 633-650. doi: preprint
[96] L.Brugnano, Y.Sun. Enhanced HBVMs for the numerical solution of Hamiltonian problems with multiple invariants. AIP Conference Proc. 1588 (2013) 754-757. doi:  paper
[95] L.Brugnano, G.Frasca Caccia, F.Iavernaro. Efficient implementation of geometric integrators for separable Hamiltonian problems. AIP Conference Proc. 1588 (2013) 734-737. doi: paper
[94] P.Amodio, L.Brugnano, F.Iavernaro. Energy conservation in the numerical solution of Hamiltonian boundary value problems. AIP Conference Proc. 1588 (2013) 35-38. doi: paper
[93] L.Brugnano, Y.Sun. Multiple invariants conserving Runge-Kutta type methods for Hamiltonian problems. Numerical Algorithms 65 (2014) 611-632. doi:  preprint
[92] L.Brugnano, F.Iavernaro. Geometric Integration by Playing with Matrices. AIP Conf. Proc. 1479 (2012) 16-19.  doi: paper
        [91] L.Brugnano, F.Iavernaro, T.Susca. Recent advances on the parallel implementation of Gauss methods for ODEs. AIP Conf. Proc. 1479 (2012) 238-241doi: paper
        [90] L.Brugnano, F.Iavernaro. Recent Advances in the Numerical Solution of Conservative Problems. AIP Conference Proc. 1493 (2012) 175-182. doi: paper
[89] L.Brugnano, F.Iavernaro, D.Trigiante. Energy and QUadratic Invariants Preserving integrators based upon Gauss collocation formulae. SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis 50, No. 6 (2012) 2897-2916. DOI. 10.1137/110856617 paper
[88] L.Brugnano, F.Mazzia. "40 years of Numerical Analysis: is the discrete world an approximation of the continuous one or is it the other way around?", Preface of the special issue of Journal of Computional and Applied Mathematics devoted to commemorate Prof. D.Trigiante. 236 (2012) 3855-3856. paper
[87] L.Brugnano, F.Iavernaro, D.Trigiante. A two-step, fourth-order method with energy preserving properties. Computer Physics Communications 183 (2012) 1860-1868.  paper
[86] L.Brugnano, F.Iavernaro.  Line Integral Methods which preserve all invariants of conservative problems. Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 236 (2012) 3905-3919. paper
[85] L.Brugnano, M.Calvo, J.I.Montijano, L.Ràndez.  Energy preserving methods for Poisson systems. Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 236 (2012) 3890-3904paper
[84] L.Brugnano, F.Iavernaro, D.Trigiante.  A simple framework for the derivation and analysis of effective one-step methods for ODEs. Applied Mathematics and Computation 218 (2012) 8475-8485. paper
[83] L.Brugnano, F.Iavernaro. Recent Advances on Preserving Methods for General Conservative Systems. AIP Conference Proceedings 1389 (2011) 221-224. paper
[82] L.Brugnano, M.Calvo, I.J.Montijano, L.Randez. Recent Advances on Preserving Methods for Poisson Systems. AIP Conference Proceedings 1389 (2011) 229-232. paper
[81] L.Brugnano, A.Sestini. Iterative solution of piecewise linear systems for the numerical solution of obstacle problems. Journal of Numerical Analysis, Industrial and Applied Mathematics 6,3-4 (2011) 67-82. paper
[80] L.Brugnano, F.Iavernaro, D.Trigiante. A note on the efficient implementation of Hamiltonian BVMs. Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 236 (2011) 375-383. paper
[79] L.Brugnano, F.Iavernaro, D.Trigiante.  The Lack of Continuity and the Role of Infinite and Infinitesimal in Numerical Methods for ODEs: the Case of Symplecticity. Applied Mathematics and Computation 218 (2012) 8053-8063.  paper
[78] L.Brugnano, C.Magherini, A.Sestini.  Calcolo Numerico, seconda edizione ampliata e corretta.  Master, Universita' & Professioni, Firenze, 2010 (158+x pp.). 
[77] L.Brugnano, F.Iavernaro, D.Trigiante. Numerical Solution of ODEs and the Columbus' Egg: Three Simple Ideas for Three Difficult Problems. Mathematics in Engineering, Science and Aerospace. 1,4 (2010) 407-426. paper
[76] L.Brugnano, F.Iavernaro, D.Trigiante. Numerical comparisons among some methods for Hamiltonian problems . AIP Conf. Proc. 1281 (2010) 214-218. paper
[75] L.Brugnano, F.Iavernaro, D.Trigiante. Energy and quadratic invariants preserving integrators of Gaussian type. AIP Conf. Proc. 1281 (2010) 227-230. paper
[74] L.Brugnano, F.Iavernaro, T.Susca. Numerical comparisons between Gauss-Legendre methods and Hamiltonian BVMs defined over Gauss points. Monografias de la Real Acedemia de Ciencias de Zaragoza 33 (2010) 95-112. paper
[73] L.Brugnano, F.Iavernaro, D.Trigiante. Hamiltonian Boundary Value Methods (Energy Preserving Discrete Line Integral Methods). Journal of Numerical Analysis, Industrial and Applied Mathematics 5,1-2 (2010) 17-37. paper
[72] P.Amodio, L.Brugnano. Parallel Factorizations in Numerical Analysis. Scalable Computing: Practice and Experience10, No.4 (2009) 385-396.  paper
[71] L.Brugnano, F.Iavernaro, D.Trigiante. Analisys of Hamiltonian Boundary Value Methods (HBVMs) for the numerical solution of polynomial Hamiltonian dynamical systems. (2009). arXiv:0909.5659v1 
[70] L.Brugnano, F.Iavernaro, D.Trigiante. Hamiltonian BVMs (HBVMs): a family of  "drift-free" methods for integrating polynomial Hamiltonian systems. AIP Conf. Proc. 1168 (2009) 715-718. paper
[69] L.Brugnano, F.Iavernaro, T.Susca. Hamiltonian BVMs (HBVMs): implementation details and applications. AIP Conf. Proc. 1168 (2009) 723-726.  paper
[68] L.Brugnano, F.Mazzia, D.Trigiante. The role of the precise definition of Stiffness in designing codes for the solution of ODEs. AIP Conf. Proc. 1168 (2009) 731-734.  paper 
[67] L.Brugnano, A.Sestini. A new approach based on Piecewise Linear Systems for the numerical solution of obstacle problems. AIP Conf. Proc. 1168 (2009) 746-749. paper
[66] L.Brugnano, F.Mazzia, D.Trigiante. Fifty Years of Stiffness.  In  Recent Advances in Computational and Applied Mathematics, Springer, 2011, pp. 1-21 (DOI: 10.1007/978-90-481-9981-5_1)preprint
[65] L.Brugnano, C.Magherini. Blended General Linear Methods based on Boundary Value Methods in the GBDF family. Journal of Numerical Analysis, Industrial and Applied Mathematics 4, 1-2 (2009) 23-40paper
[64] L.Brugnano, D.Trigiante. Energy drift in the numerical integration of Hamiltonian problems. Journal of Numerical Analysis, Industrial and Applied Mathematics 4, 3-4 (2009) 153-170. paper
[63] L.Brugnano, V.Casulli. Iterative solution of piecewise linear systems and applications to flows in porous media. SIAM  Journal on Scientific Computing 31 (2009) 1858-1873. paper
[62] P.Amodio, L.Brugnano. Recent Advances in the Parallel Solution in Time of ODEs. AIP Conf. Proc. 1048 (2008) 867-870. paper
[61] L.Brugnano, C.Magherini. Blended General Linear Methods based on Generalized BDF. AIP Conf. Proc. 1048 (2008) 871-874. paper
[60] L.Brugnano, V.Casulli. Iterative solution of piecewise linear systems. SIAM  Journal on Scientific Computing 30 (2008) 463-472. paper
[59] P.Amodio, L.Brugnano. Parallel solution in time of ODEs: some achievements and perspectives. Applied Numerical Mathematics 59 (2009) 424-435. paper
[58] L.Brugnano, C.Magherini. Recent Advances in Linear Analysis of Convergence for Splittings for Solving ODE problems. Applied Numerical Mathematics 59 (2009) 542-557. paper
[57] L.Brugnano, D.Trigiante. Time reversal symmetry and energy drift in conservative systems. AIP Conf. Proc. 936 (2007) 600-602. paper
[56] L.Brugnano, C.Magherini. Blended Implicit Methods for solving ODE and DAE problems, and their extension for second order problems. Jour. Comput. Appl. Mathematics 205 (2007) 777-790. paper
[55] L.Brugnano, C.Magherini, A.Sestini.  Calcolo Numerico.  Master, Universita' & Professioni, Firenze, 2005 (138+x pp.).
[54] L.Brugnano, C.Magherini, F.Mugnai. Blended Implicit Methods for the Numerical Solution of DAE Problems. Jour. Comput. Appl. Mathematics  189 (2006) 34-50paper
[53] L.Brugnano, C.Magherini. Economical Error Estimates for Block Implicit Methods for ODEs via Deferred Correction. Applied Numerical Mathematics 56 (2006) 608-617. paper
[52] L.Brugnano, F.Di Patti., G.Longo. An "Incremental" Mathematical Model for Immune Thrombocytopenic Purpura (ITP). Mathematical and Computer Modelling 42 (2005) 1299-1314. paper
[51] L.Brugnano, K.Burrage, G.Carreras. On the Convergence of LMF-type Methods for SODEs. Mediterr. J. Math. 1 (2004) 297-313. paper
[50] A.Antoci, L.Brugnano, M.Galeotti. Sustainability, indeterminacy and oscillations in a growth model with environmental assets. Nonlinear Analysis: Real World Applications 5 (2004) 571-587. paper
[49] L.Brugnano, C.Magherini. Metodi Iterativi per Sistemi Lineari. Pitagora Editrice, Bologna, 2003 (140+viii pp.).
[48] L.Brugnano, C.Magherini. Some Linear Algebra Issues Concerning the Implementation of Blended Implicit Methods. Numer. Lin. Alg. Appl. 12 (2005) 305-314. paper
[47] L.Brugnano, C.Magherini. The BiM Code for the Numerical Solution of ODEs, Jour. Comput. Appl. Mathematics  164–165 (2004) 145–158. paper
[46] L.Brugnano, C.Magherini. Blended Implementation of Block Implicit Methods for ODEs, Appl. Numer. Math. 42 (2002) 29-45. paper
[45] L.Aceto, P.Amodio, L.Brugnano, F.Iavernaro, F.Mazzia, D.Trigiante. Boundary Value Methods in Block Form: the State of the Art, Monografia n. 3 del Progetto ``Analisi Numerica: Metodi e Software Matematico'', Ferrara, 2000.
[44] L.Aceto, P.Amodio, L.Brugnano, F.Iavernaro, F.Mazzia, D.Trigiante. Study of Numerical Methods for Evolutionary Equations and Construction of the Corresponding Software for Sequential and Parallel Computers, Ann. Univ. Ferrara - Sez. VII - Sc. Mat., Supplemento al Vol. XLV (2000) 167-178.
[43] L.Brugnano, D.Trigiante. Block Implicit Methods for ODEs, in Recent Trends in Numerical Analysis, D.Trigiante ed., Nova Science Publ. Inc., New York, 2001, pp. 81-105. preprint
[42] L.Brugnano, K.Burrage, P.Burrage. Adams-Type Methods for the Numerical Solution of Stochastic Ordinary Differential Equations, BIT 40 (2000) 451-470. paper
[41] L.Brugnano. Blended Block BVMs (B3VMs): A Family of Economical Implicit Methods for ODEs, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 116 (2000) 41-62. paper
[40] P.Amodio, L.Brugnano. ParalleloGAM: a Parallel Code for ODEs Applied Numerical Mathematics 28 (1998) 95-106. paper
[39] L.Brugnano, D.Trigiante. Parallel Implementation of Block Boundary Value Methods on Nonlinear Problems: Theoretical Results, Applied Numerical Mathematics 28 (1998) 127-141. paper
[38] L.Brugnano, D.Trigiante. Solving Differential Problems by Multistep Initial and Boundary Value Methods, Gordon and Breach Science Publ., Amsterdam, 1998 (418+xv pp.).
[37] L.Brugnano, D.Trigiante. Boundary Value Methods: the Third Way Between Linear Multistep and Runge-Kutta Methods, Computer and Mathematics with Applications 36, 10-12 (1998) 269-284. paper
[36] P.Amodio, L.Brugnano. A Note on the Efficient Implementation of Implicit Methods for ODEs, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 87 (1997) 1-9.  paper
[35] L.Brugnano, D.Trigiante. On the Potentiality of Sequential and Parallel Codes Based on Extended Trapezoidal Rules (ETRs), Applied Numerical Mathematics 25 (1997) 169-184. paper
[34] P.Amodio, L.Brugnano. Parallel ODE Solvers Based on Block BVMs, Advances in Computational Mathematics 7 (1997) 5-26. paper
[33] L.Brugnano. Is Symplecticness Sufficient for Approximating Hamiltonian Systems?, International Journal of Non-Linear Differential Equations, Theory - Methods and Applications 3,1-2 (1997) 39-48.
[32] L.Brugnano. Boundary Value Methods for the Numerical Approximation of Ordinary Differential Equations, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 1196 (1997) 78-89. paper
[31] P.Amodio, L.Brugnano. Parallel Implementation of Block Boundary Value Methods for ODEs, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 78 (1997) 197-211. paper
[30] L.Brugnano, D.Trigiante. A New Mesh Selection Strategy for ODEs, Applied Numerical Mathematics 24 (1997) 1-21. paper
[29] L.Brugnano, D.Trigiante. Block Boundary Value Methods for Linear Hamiltonian Systems, Applied Mathematics and Computations 81 (1997) 49-68. paper
[28] L.Brugnano. Essentially Symplectic Boundary Value Methods for Linear Hamiltonian Systems, Journal of Computational Mathematics 15 (1997) 233-252.  paper
[27] L.Brugnano, D.Trigiante. On the Characterization of Stiffness for ODEs, Dynamics of Continuous, Discrete and Impulsive Systems 2 (1996) 317-336. paper
[26] P.Amodio, L.Brugnano. Stable Parallel Solvers for General Tridiagonal Linear Systems, ZAMM 76 (1996) S1 115-118. paper
[25] P.Amodio, L.Brugnano. The Conditioning of Toeplitz Banded Matrices, Mathematical and Computer Modelling 23(10) (1996) 29-42. paper
[24] L.Brugnano, D.Trigiante. Convergence and Stability of Boundary Value Methods for Ordinary Differential Equations, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 66 (1996) 97-109. paper
[23] L.Brugnano. Errata, Journal of Difference Equations and Applications 2 (1996) 101.
[22] L.Brugnano, D.Trigiante. High Order Multistep Methods for Boundary Value Problems, Applied Numerical Mathematics 18 (1995) 79-94. paper
[21] L.Brugnano, D.Trigiante. Toeplitz Matrices and Difference Equations in Numerical Analysis, Proceedings of the First International Conference on Difference Equations, 25-28 May 1994, San Antonio, Texas, USA. Gordon & Breach Science Publishers, 1995, pp.79-94.
[20] P.Amodio, L.Brugnano. The Parallel QR Factorization Algorithm for Tridiagonal Linear Systems, Parallel Computing 21 (1995) 1097-1110. paper
[19] L.Brugnano. Numerical Implementation of a New Algorithm for Polynomials with Multiple Roots, Journal of Difference Equations and Applications 1 (1995) 187-207. paper
[18] L.Brugnano, D.Trigiante. Polynomial Roots: the Ultimate Answer?, Linear Algebra and its Applications 225 (1995) 207-219. paper
[17] L.Brugnano. D.Trigiante. A Parallel Preconditioning Technique for BVM Methods, Applied Numerical Mathematics 13 (1993) 277-290. paper
[16] L.Brugnano, D.Trigiante. Stability Properties of Some Boundary Value Methods, Applied Numerical Mathematics 13 (1993) 291-304. paper
[15] L.Brugnano, D.Trigiante. Tridiagonal Matrices and Numerical Solution of Ordinary Differential Equations, World Scientific Series In Applicable Analisys 2 (1993) 71-83.
[14] P.Amodio, L.Brugnano, T.Politi. Parallel Factorizations for Tridiagonal Matrices, SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis 30 (1993) 813-823. paper
[13] L.Brugnano, F.Mazzia, D.Trigiante. Parallel Implementation of BVM Methods, Applied Numerical Mathematics 11 (1993) 115-124. paper
[12] P.Amodio, L.Brugnano. Parallel Factorizations and Parallel Solvers for Tridiagonal Linear Systems, Linear Algebra and its Applications 172 (1992) 347-364. paper
[11] L.Brugnano, D.Trigiante. Tridiagonal Matrices: Invertibility and Conditioning, Linear Algebra and its Applications 166 (1992) 131-150. paper
[10] L.Brugnano. Two-Level Twisted Preconditionings for Parallel Computers, Concurrency: Practice and Experience 4 (1992) 107-117.
[9] P.Amodio, L.Brugnano. Some Block Preconditionings for the Conjugate Gradient Method, in Parallel Computing: Problems, Methods and Applications, P.Messina and A.Murli Editors. Elsevier, 1992, pp.33-41.
[8] L.Brugnano, D.Trigiante. A ``Fully Parallel'' Preconditioned Conjugate Gradient Method for a Class of M-matrices, in Parallel Computing: Problems, Methods and Applications, P.Messina and A.Murli Editors. Elsevier, 1992, pp.109-116.
[7] L.Brugnano. Stability and Spectral Properties of Some Incomplete Block Factorizations, Calcolo 28 (1991) 1-20.
[6] P.Amodio, L.Brugnano. A Parallel Version of Some Block Preconditionings, Impact of Computing in Science and Engineering 3 (1991) 235-243. paper
[5] L.Brugnano. A Parallel Solver for Tridiagonal Linear Systems for Distributed Memory Parallel Computers, Parallel Computing 17 (1991) 1017-1023. paper
[4] L.Brugnano, D.Trigiante. A Full Parallel Preconditioner for a Class of M-matrices, Applied Mathematics Letters 4, 1 (1991) 13-15. paper
[3] L.Brugnano, M.Marrone. Vectorization of Some Block Preconditioned Conjugate Gradient Methods, Parallel Computing 14 (1990) 191-198. paper
[2] L.Brugnano. Parallelization of Some Block Preconditionings for a Quadputer, in Supercomputing Tools for Science and Engineering, a cura di D.Laforenza e R.Perego. Franco Angeli, 1990, pp.505-510.
[1] L.Brugnano, D.Trigiante. Sulle soluzioni di equazioni alle differenze dell' Algebra Lineare Numerica, Atti dell' Accademia delle Scienze dell' Istituto di Bologna, Classe Scienze Fisiche, Ser. V,  n. 4 (1990) 93-108. paper